Universal Timber specialize’s in the production of Eucalyptus Cladocalyx, traded as Clado and also known as Sugar Gum
The timber is typically and best used in external timber applications. It is supplied into the heavy marine industry where it is favoured because of its durability, it’s impressive compressive and tensile strengths, its resistance to wear and its availability in large sections.
It is used for ship dry docking applications, working decks on mining ships, rigs, barges and trawl vessels. Clado is also used in upmarket commercial, residential and public recreational areas where it is typically used for decks, pergolas, seating, railings, screens etc. Its use is favoured in these applications because of its durability, its aesthetics, its cost benefit and especially its green credentials.
Clado is unmatched by the few other Class 1 locally available, imported tropical hardwoods for its cost / durability ratio.
Being Green
Clado’s “eco - green” reality is that it is harvested from farms situated along the Western Cape coastal belt where it has been planted in small woodlots, trees lining farm roads, streets and avenues, wind breaks and shade belts on farms. It is often favoured by farmers for planting because of the symbiotic relationship the eucalypt has with bee’s and the pollination of their crops.
Our Sawmill
Our Saw Mill is equipped to process logs of exceptionally large diameters and long lengths. A range of Standard sizes are produced for the building industry.